Enyorata Children's Home
for the love of children

Our Priorities
Providing an outstanding education with hands-on, experiential learning as well as traditional Tanzanian methods is a priority of LSTZ. Before the children are ready to begin Class One ( 1st grade), they learn in a small classroom with our experienced teacher Saumu. The children practice speaking, reading, and writing in English, and acquire math skills necessary for primary school. They have time to choose to use educational materials from the Montessori approach, quality toys, art and imaginative play in what the staff calls The Montessori Room. At the age of 6, the children begin attending a nearby private English medium school. Learning in a high quality, English-only school is a significant advantage for Tanzanian children since all schoolwork at the secondary level is in English.

Enyorata provides a loving home for our 21 children ages 3 to 10.. Our goal is to create a family community to serve them throughout their childhood. The children play, learn, and interact together, sharing chores, toys, meals and discoveries. Helping each other with homework and daily living is fun for them. Vincent Kinga, our founder, brings his wife and three children to join celebrations and activities at the center, and they are often present on the weekends. Capable and caring adults interact with the children with warm hearts and words of encouragement. Providing a stable environment with consistent guidelines is crucial for these children who have experienced trauma or neglect in the first few years of their life.

Health and Safety
A priority at Enyorata is to improve the health of each child with a diet rich in protein and vitamins. We provide fresh vegetables - often from our garden, and protein - including eggs from our chickens, and milk as well as clean drinking water. They play outdoors every day. And, tooth brushing is a also part of their daily routine. The children receive prompt medical care from a local Tanzanian physician when it is necessary. Living within our walled compound with a guard on duty 24 hours a day ensures that the children are safe.
We Are FAMILY!!!

Mission Statement
Little Souls of Tanzania is an organization dedicated to meeting the needs of the children at Enyorata Children's Home (NGO). This includes a safe and loving environment, proper nutrition, medical care and the opportunity to attend an English immersion school.
Support our mission
Little Souls seeks to gain continuing sources of funding through charitable donations and sponsorships to provide for the children at Enyorata Children's Home in TZ. Little Souls is the ONLY source of financial support to Enyorata.
Contact us
Email: littlesoulsoftanzania@gmail.com
Web Page: www.littlesoulsoftz.org
Facebook Little Souls of TZ